Parish Councils

Parish Leadership Teams

Parish Leadership Team

The Parish Leadership Team participates in the responsibility for pastoral ministry, and not just administration. “Councils should continually strive to update themselves to what is happening in the wider Church and society, and to what kinds of programs and formational opportunities are available, and, then, to cull from their joint wisdom and experience bold new approaches to Community life” (Bishop Hubbard). The Parish Leadership Team should research the ideas, the hopes, the life and activity of the people of God, so that the whole Community, Parish or Cluster, can effectively carry out the mission of the Community and fully participate in the ongoing conversion that is central to its life. It should constantly evaluate the Community in its conformity to the Gospel and those constitutive elements of the Gospel that call for understanding the implications of Justice.

In virtue of his/her office the Pastor or Parish Life Coordinator presides over and guides the final decision of the Team and their implementation by the universal law of the Church, diocesan statues and civil law (Canon 536, Par. 1).

If you are interested in getting more information about the Parish Leadership Team, please contact the Parish Office at 371-9632 or

Parish Leadership Team Members Include:

  • Deacon Andy Grebe, PLC
  • Bob Breton, Trustee
  • Sarah Moreau, Chair
  • Jack Thomas
  • Peter Fariello
  • Sandy Merrill, Secretary
  • Nancy Varley, Co-Chair
  • Liz Hurley

Parish Finance Committee

The new code of Canon Law requires a pastor or parish life coordinator to have a Finance Committee. This committee has a consultative vote and assists the pastor and/or parish life coordinator in the administration of parish goods. (Canon 532 and 537)

The Finance Committee, together with the parish life coordinator, is responsible for the effective stewardship of a parish. The fiscal component should reflect Gospel values and overall parish and diocesan goals. Financial concerns should be addressed within the context of the mission of the parish.


  • Advise parish life coordinator in all financial matters.
  • Prepare any financial information needed in accordance with total parish planning.
  • See that expenditures reflect the mission statement, goals and objectives of the parish.
  • Prepare the annual budget in consultation with the Parish Life Coordinator and other committees and in accordance with objectives set by the Parish Leadership Team.
  • Review incomes and expenditures to determine that the parish is operating within the approved budget.
  • Provide the parishioners with periodic and (at least) annual report of the financial state of the parish.
  • Study parish income and make recommendations to the Parish Leadership Team for maintaining and increasing income to meet parish priorities and objectives.

Current Finance Committee Members:

  • Deacon Andy Grebe, PLC
  • Steve Irish, chair
  • Gail Moore, accountant
  • Mary Anne Cureau, Trustee and Secretary
  • Mary Beth McMahon
  • Jim O’Brien
  • Bob Stoddard
  • Joann Wayne

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