We welcome your children to our Faith Formation Program. Our programs provide classroom teaching on the components of our Catholic faith along with opportunities for parent instruction and involvement, prayer, retreat and service opportunities. As a parent, you are the first and best instructor of your child. Our programs are here to support your efforts to help your children grow in their faith and at the same time, help deepen your faith and commitment to the church community.
Forms for registration, classes and retreats can be found in the Forms section of this webpage, in the gathering area of the church or by contacting the Faith Formation Office at (518) 371-9521 or by email at faithformation@stmaryscrescent.com
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is done in the second grade. Those wishing to celebrate the sacrament are required to complete one year of faith formation prior to preparing for these sacraments. If you have an older child who needs to celebrate these sacraments, please contact the Faith Formation Office and we can tailor a program to accommodate your child. We also welcome and encourage families who have children with special needs to contact the faith formation office to discuss the resources that are available to you.
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