Middle School

Faith Formation: Middle School

Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!”

-Pope Francis

Program Information

We welcome your children to our Faith Formation Program. Our programs provide classroom teaching on the components of our Catholic faith along with opportunities for parent instruction and involvement, prayer, retreat and service opportunities. As a parent, you are the first and best instructor of your child. Our programs are here to support your efforts to help your children grow in their faith and at the same time, help deepen your faith and commitment to the church community.


The sixth grade sessions focus on the Bible and we use the Breakthrough Bible along with the Great People of the Bible workbook by St. Mary’s Press in the classroom. The goal is to become familiar with all the books of the Old and New Testament, understand the timeline of the Bible and then focus on some of the Bible Stories of the Old Testament.


In 7th grade, the sessions are based on the gospels of the New Testaments, as well as the life of Jesus, and the structure of the Mass. This year we will be using the Finding God for Middle School Books from Loyola Press. The goal is to understand how we can take the teachings of the New Testament and the life of Jesus and how it can apply to our everyday lives as we continue to grow in our faith.


In 8th grade the focus builds on the foundation of 7th grade and continues to morality and self-exploration where the sessions revolve around social justice, moral decision making, and the continuing development of personal faith. These sessions will also continue to use the Finding God for Middle School books from Loyola Press. Through these sessions we understand that we must be aware and accepting of those who are different from us, willing and able to serve those that Jesus calls us to serve, and to continue to develop our personal relationship and faith in Jesus.

Registration for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year will be held in person. Please call Rachel at 518-371-9521 for more information.

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